Фото John Fitz Jarrell built this plantation plain style house for his wife, Elizabeth and seven children. It is typical in size and layout of many cotton plantation houses. It is built of virgin heart pine. в городе Авондал Естатес

John Fitz Jarrell built this plantation plain style house for his wife, Elizabeth and seven children.  It is typical in size and layout of many cotton plantation houses.  It is built of virgin heart pine., Авондал Естатес

John Fitz Jarrell built this plantation plain style house for his wife, Elizabeth and seven children. It is typical in size and layout of many cotton plantation houses. It is built of virgin heart pine.
Добавлено © MaryAlice
Город : Авондал Естатес
Фотография добавлена 19.11.2010
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Wesleyan College - Dormitory & Lake, Macon, Georgia, Авондал Естатес
Поделись информацией John Fitz Jarrell built this plantation plain style house for his wife, Elizabeth and seven children. It is typical in size and layout of many cotton plantation houses. It is built of virgin heart pine. в Авондал Естатес - помоги собрать больше фотографий твоего города!
