Фото Sand Springs Head Start Center, formerly the "Colored School" in the 1950s, thank goodness segregation is gone в городе Санд-Спрингс

Sand Springs Head Start Center, formerly the "Colored School" in the 1950s, thank goodness segregation is gone, Санд-Спрингс

Sand Springs Head Start Center, formerly the "Colored School" in the 1950s, thank goodness segregation is gone
Добавлено © sheilawilson
Город : Санд-Спрингс
Фотография добавлена 04.09.2009
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Central Auditorium 2009, Санд-Спрингс
Поделись информацией Sand Springs Head Start Center, formerly the "Colored School" in the 1950s, thank goodness segregation is gone в Санд-Спрингс - помоги собрать больше фотографий твоего города!