Фото Goethes Home-----------This Citizens House was built in 1709 in the Baroque style. Goethe lived there from 1782 to 1789 as a tenant, then from 1792 to 1832 as the owner. - в городе Веймар
Поделись информацией Goethes Home-----------This Citizens House was built in 1709 in the Baroque style. Goethe lived there from 1782 to 1789 as a tenant, then from 1792 to 1832 as the owner. - в Веймар - помоги собрать больше фотографий твоего города!
Комментарии к Goethes Home-----------This Citizens House was built in 1709 in the Baroque style. Goethe lived there from 1782 to 1789 as a tenant, then from 1792 to 1832 as the owner. - Веймар